My favorite playdough recipe!!

Everyone knows how great play dough can be! I love it but hate that it is normally loaded with tons of crap. Well not now! You can make your own! I have tried many different recipes, even the koolaid one, but found that I like the recipe on the link listed below the best. So check it out and make some for yourself!!! then look up homemade play dough! I would take the recipe and split it in half. Put half in each pan. When she is done playing I put each color in its own mason jar and put on the lid! My daughter loves it!

Yummy whipped cream

I wanted to share one of my favorite recipes for whipped cream. I use different spices depending on what I am using it for….

For coffee- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon brown sugar
Dash of nutmeg

Mix together and blend with electric mixer on medium until thick. Add as a topping to your favorite coffee!!!

For fruit- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 tablespoon honey

Mix together same way as above! Add to fruit and enjoy!

I am going to try out different recipes soon because I would love to make a fruit dip with whipped cream!!!

Last but not least good old fashioned whipped cream

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla

Mix as stated above! Great for any thing you can think of!

Public school vs. Homeschooling

To home school or not! It is a TOUGH question. My daughter has been having health issues. We have been to doctor after doctor and we still have no clue what is going on. She has missed so much school that she is now considered a truancy case. To me, this is crazy! After talking to another parent at the doctors, I decided that this would be Zoey’s last year at public school. She is failing classes because she can’t go to school due to pain. The school will not excuse her because they don’t have any medical explanation for her pain. So now we are trying home schooling through . I am pretty excited about this! Everything is done online! LOVE IT! It allows students to get specialized help for each subject, through live chat, email, or phone. They only allow 635 students so the class sizes are smaller compared to regular high school. And to my surprise, they have extracurricular classes, field trips, and they can play sports for the school district you live in!!! My husband has been against it, yet when I told him that University of Michigan is one of the colleges that recognizes home schooling, he said well I guess it is worth a shot. Talk about an about-face lol.

UPDATE: So the online pubic schools have a HUGE wait list! So I decided that I would just home school her myself. I was able to buy programs online for her curriculum at a great price. It is the same as what public school even though I don’t have to follow public school curriculum. Here is a great site that explains all the laws for Michigan home schooling . This is where you should start. If anyone has great home school ideas or needs any help getting started please let me know!

Kickin the pop habit!

So in January I decided to give up pop. Talk about hard! I started out drinking a two liter. Next day only half that. Then the following day just one glass. I did one glass a day until that week was over. The next week I only had pop every other day. The next week I only had it on the weekend days (Sat and Sun). After that I gave it up completely. I then went 30 days without any! After the 30 days I drank some pop! To my surprise it tasted terrible! I have had pop on and off but I don’t even have it in my house anymore! I don’t crave it like I used too. I realized it isn’t the pop, but the sugar that I was craving. I have found that even my cravings for sweets has lessened!

Wash your hair WITHOUT shampoo!

Ok so I thought what the heck, I will give it a try! I have found that my hair is healthier using the baking soda. However, I did find my hair to smell funny so every time I washed it I added an essential oil. When it dried my hair was soft and smelled great! I am still working on a conditioner that is as easy as store bought though.

This site shows you how to do just that! Have healthy hair without spending a ton of money. It is also great for the environment!


If you are great at talking to people about products you have tried then maybe this site is for you! I love bzzagent. I have gotten to try great new products and give honest feedback about the things I have tried. I also get to talk to friends, family and others about what products I liked and didn’t like. So hop on over to and sign up!

Revamping old clothes!

Remember when that black tank top was actually black? That white t-shirt white? Well if your clothes are faded but still in great shape, try revamping them! How you ask? Well RIT dye of course! I love that stuff! You can get it at most grocery stores and it is an easy way to recolor your clothes. I just put enough dye in (follow directions on bottle) hot water to cover clothes. I let set for about an hour and when it is finished your clothes look like new. I have a toddler who is rough with her clothes. Sometimes the whites just don’t stay white. So I pick out a cool color of dye and make them like new again! It gives you a chance to add new colors to your wardrobe. When my clothes fade, I just buy the color dye that matches the color of the shirt and give it a soak! This is a great way to save a little extra cash because you don’t need to go out and replace that top or bottoms you love!

Ok My First Actual Post

Pinterest– Most of you know what this site is all about! For the others, well it is time to try it out. This site is filled with great ideas! Need a new room design, it’s on there! Great food idea for a party- IT’S ON THERE! LOL. I never thought I would become addicted to a site, but I have. Now add cute pictures, great quotes, and beauty ideas and you have a perfect site. OH WAIT! IT’S ON THERE! So check it out and enjoy!

Mypoints- Want to earn free gift cards? well then this is the site for you! So far I have earned enough gift cards to almost completely pay for Christmas for my kids! Did i mention I have three kids? Two are teenagers! Just read a few emails, shop through the links on their site, and download the search bar and you are set to go! Refer people and earn even more– Need senior pictures? Family pictures? DKR studios is a great place to get them done! Stop by the link above to check her out!

www.thebernardfamilywebsite.comI have to add this site! This site belongs to my cousins who are 5 and 4 lol. It is all the stuff they love and pretty cute! I love seeing what they recommend for toys and more!– Need work done on your home? New roof or windows? Yup He does it all!

So you have a company you love? A website you can’t do without? Please let me know so I can  add it here so everyone can enjoy!

A little bit of everything!

For awhile now, I have had people ask me when I was going to do a blog of my own. Well, I finally took the advice and started one. Kooky crafts and more is a site filled with great food ideas, crafts, and more. I love healthy, crafty, and having fun with the family. So everything on here will be pretty family friendly. If there is something you would like to see then please let me know. I am open to all suggestions! You may find on that sometimes on here I will even talk about what is going on with my family! I really hope I don’t bore you with my talking, but I do love my KOOKY family! So enjoy my site!